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Postgres for a data warehouse?

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Postgres for a data warehouse? Empty Postgres for a data warehouse?

Post  rupertlssmith Fri Aug 14, 2015 9:28 am


Has anyone any thoughts/experience on the suitability of Postgres for building a data warehouse?

It also has an open source implementation of columnar data stores, which may prove useful:



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Postgres for a data warehouse? Empty Re: Postgres for a data warehouse?

Post  rupertlssmith Tue Aug 25, 2015 8:46 am

mmmm. quiet round here?

Just thought I'd add, Amazon Redshift is built on Postgres.


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Postgres for a data warehouse? Empty Re: Postgres for a data warehouse?

Post  ngalemmo Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:09 pm

So is Netezza.

It's a relational DBMS.  So yes, you can implement a data warehouse.  Vendors, such as IBM(Netezza) and Amazon, modify the code base to suit their implementation. How it performs is a matter of the particular implementation, of which there are many.

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Postgres for a data warehouse? Empty Re: Postgres for a data warehouse?

Post  ron.dunn Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:28 pm

I'm sorry I'm late to this conversation.

PostgreSQL is an excellent DBMS for a mid-scale data warehouse, so good that it is the primary development platform for our data warehouse automation product. We see excellent performance, particularly in loads, and love the fact that it runs on Windows and Linux (and OS X for our development work), and on-premise or cloud.

For scale and performance, PostgreSQL is highly compatible with Redshift, but also with Snowflake Elastic Data Warehouse, giving you scale up options if you outgrow an SMP solution.

If your company is nervous about open source licensing, or wants an additional level of enterprise support and tooling, the commercial variant from EnterpriseDB is an excellent choice. We recommend this to corporate customers.

If you have any specific questions about PostgreSQL you're welcome to message me, and I'll gladly share our experience.


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