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Post  jglickma Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:43 pm

I saw something about drinking the KoolAid in one of the post something
about a boss disagreeing with some implementation or something about
claiming to be a Kimball devotee and then disagreeing with everything
the architect has designed, something to that effect...
I find in my travels since I started with DW when Ralph's first book just
came out ( I admit it took some time before I appreciated this man's
accomplishments and apparent reveling of common sense approach to
data ) that I run into much resistance or outright contempt for any kind
of fundamental hallmark book that attempts to outline "This is how its done"
There are several, Oliver Whites MRPII, Design Patterns, "Gang or Four"...
and so on. The toolkit is one of the most insightful readable books of the
bunch. My point is be happy that your boss is even open to acknowledging
this book even if he disagrees, that is a luxury. If I see something that isn't
going to work out in the developement design phase, I wait till it fails before
I step in, for I have found that most developers/designers and project leads
don't want to listen till they are in trouble, "We don't want to change our code"
are famous last words in this situation. Be patient, you will have your moment
in the sun;)


Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-04-01

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